I have never seen a machine like this...

Dec 6, 2014
South Dakota
Check this out--- it's like half of a snowmobile controlled while you stand in a sled being towed by it...


I have been watching a lot of winter camping / survival shelter type videos on YT.
If you search for "Bushcraft" or "Building a dugout" you will find a LOT of them-- many in Russia. Lots of cool and innovative things to learn about in those videos.
Most of those videos are of people making very crude shelters with little touches of home. Many will make their own fireplaces or brick/rock & mortar stoves with metal cookplates on top. Kind of cool stuff.

The pic above is from this video:

This journey of mine on youtube started with this guy, who is a true master craftsman carpenter and builder:

His main channel called My Self Reliance, documents him building his log cabin (and lots of other things):

This video of his cabin build is incredible...

Shawn James has built a cool modern off-grid HOME. Most of the bushcraft videos show construction of far less refined shelters. This is a good example... he actually uses a chainsaw to cut his own boards...

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