I love my Sharx but...


Sep 12, 2014
it's $317 from Amazon.

Y'all never heard of Sharx and Hikvision seems very popular here.

Is there a Hikvision that:
on board motion detection and storage
"good" resolution. 480x360 is not good enough, 1920x1080 might me overkill

newbie Joel
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so there is no such thing as a wireless camera; since you got to plug it into a wall whats so wrong with running an ethernet cable? Virtually never is there a convenient outlet nearby the best mounting location.. your already half way there to running a single ethernet cable and being done with it.. you have a fixed camera looking at a fixed location with wires running to it; why do people want WiFi cameras and all the problems associated with it if its not a box/teddy bear camera your going to move around the house.
i saw a wireless camera at a model home for a new development. They mounted it higher up, then had the power cord to an outlet near the ground. I just cracked up laughing. You can tell when someone hasn't done this when they start shopping for wifi outdoor cameras.

But to say there's no such thing as a wireless camera is like saying there's no such thing as aliens, easter bunny, santa clause and peace in the middle east, it all exists, even if only in our minds. The most popular is VueZone, been around a while. Netgear bought them. Don't ask me if they are any good as I have only seem them on podcasts I watch years ago. Here's their website - http://www.vuezone.com/use-ideas/battery-powered-camera
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Touché; I suppose those Fake Security cameras with a lil solar panel to charge there blinking LED light are also completely wireless.. (it does exist as a real camera in some people's minds, those whom are unaware its fake)

If you have a half ass install and an obviously cheap camera then I question its effectiveness; is anyone going to take your security seriously? or is a criminal going to presume he can just rip your cheap ass $80 wireless security panel off the wall and smash it onto the floor to effectively disable your whole system.. I would assume if you had a security camera setup so cheap and halfass like that then any other security measures, if any; would be as equally as cheap and poorly implemented.
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Well here's where I am now:

The Sharx is up in the eve above the back door overlooking the car park and shop door.

The Sharx is wireless, the wireless router is on the back porch office and Blue Iris is running in an upstairs bedroom.

The indoor Foscam is sitting on a shelf above the shop door. I'm using it temporally while I decide what to do next. It is also wireless.

The "porch" can be seen on the far left. The Foscam is also wireless.

Plan A: Another Sharx @$317

Plan B:
2 Hikvision 2032 @ $89 One to watch the cars, the other looking at the driveway. I give up the security blanket of on board storage and rely totally on Blue Iris.
PoE switch @ $42
WiFi Range Extender @ $28

Would this work?

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Can't edit:

WiFi Range Extender I'm looking at is this one.
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