I'm searching for access control system which is using remotes or hard to duplicate rfid


Apr 12, 2022
I'm searching for access control system which is using remotes or hard to duplicate rfid.
The main thing is that remotes are hard to duplicate same goes for rfids, it needs to be very hard or impossible to duplicate. I had some offers for rfids that use some property frequencies plus they use infrared with some encrypted keys.
Also remotes have some triple floating frequencies.
Also I would need to have network access to log server on the access control, and ability to upload and disable users.
This system should open and close motorized wing gates and should be able to connect proximity senors for vehicles and humans.

Do you know for some affordable systems with the features that I need?
I'm searching for access control system which is using remotes or hard to duplicate rfid.
The main thing is that remotes are hard to duplicate same goes for rfids, it needs to be very hard or impossible to duplicate. I had some offers for rfids that use some property frequencies plus they use infrared with some encrypted keys.
Also remotes have some triple floating frequencies.
Also I would need to have network access to log server on the access control, and ability to upload and disable users.
This system should open and close motorized wing gates and should be able to connect proximity senors for vehicles and humans.

Do you know for some affordable systems with the features that I need?

Based on your stated criteria you can purchase almost any consumer grade hardware that meets your budget.

If security is truly your primary goal you’ll need to invest in a biometric system that is based on the WYH-WYN principle.

Nobody serious uses a remote to access / control entry.
Based on your stated criteria you can purchase almost any consumer grade hardware that meets your budget.

If security is truly your primary goal you’ll need to invest in a biometric system that is based on the WYH-WYN principle.

Nobody serious uses a remote to access / control entry.
Based on my standards, there was over 40 security dealers with 600 control access systems and only 3 systems that had fractals of security that I need.
For remotes its highly congested street with very speedy traffic on both sides, it would be best that you could remotely open the gates. The most important is that someone who already have access card or remote cannot duplicate the device and give it to someone.

Do you have some specific systems on biometric that is based on the WYH-WYN principle?
It really comes down to how much financial outlay you’re committed to. If the budget is low as it is for the vast majority of consumers the options are limited.

If the budget is endless as seen in Enterprise / Government then it really comes down to how serious they are and how it will integrate with existing infrastructure or new ones.

Regardless, I’ll give you a few examples as to how consumer / enterprise / government have done it before.

At the most basic level almost everyone has a phone. As such these phones are used for geofencing and pre authentication.

It goes without saying the phone has an application that the user would authenticate with using 2FA / FaceID. Which if it’s just you ends there but if it’s a enterprise / government access control is managed for time of use, access level, etc.

Moving on . . .

The system already knows (someone) is coming and is X miles away. The internal
(access control) system will log this event alert whomever, and wait.

Upon approach a person would tap / insert a badge, enter keypad, iris, vein, bone, voice, Face ID.

If this is a high security facility a guard sentry is another level of authentication on-site or remote.

The gate would then open because of WYH-WYN . . .

(What You Have - What You Know)

Almost every high security facility I’ve managed and worked in had a minimum of three WYH-WYN in place.

Physical items like RFID / cards is what you have. Your face / finger print are what you have. The RSA card / Yubi Key are what you have.

The pass phrase or challenge code you answered or entered is what you know.

All of the (WYN) are changed out regularly and randomly given.

I have the same thing in my home because it offers extreme security for my family.

So what does that have to do with you? Well you could integrate any of a dozen consumer home automation systems that use geofencing.

It would / could be used to actuate a relay as a two step process (double latch) and upon arriving waving the RFID card would complete the circuit to open the gate.

None of this has to be complicated and comes down to either pay an integrator or sit down and read and do it yourself.

If we dumb this down to brass tax focus on remote relays and how to integrate it to something you have now or will be investing into now.

Other methods which add extra layer or if taken in the other extreme (lazy). To purchase a LPR (License Plate Recognition) camera.

You essentially have a white list / black list. The camera sees your approved plate and make / model Shazam the gate opens!

When this is added to an existing WYH-WYN system it bolsters WYH because a person would need your vehicle, phone, RFID, and Code.

All of that just to enter the gate! You haven’t even got into the parking lot and you need more WYH-WYN just to get inside which is different.

At the end of the day a keypad and RFID Card has worked for ages for the masses. If you feel inspired by the examples above.

Rock On . . .