IP Cam: Indoor station vs hikconnect


Jul 17, 2020
South Africa
Indoor station: DS-KH6320-WTE1
NVR: DS-7616NI-K2
Outdoor station: DS-KB8112

I've got the outdoor station connected to Hikconnect and the indoor station, and that works well.
Today I decided to add the IP cameras to my indoor station which is on my desk so I that I can live view cameras from my desk.

This is all working well too, I can see my IP cameras on my indoor station:

What I noticed however is that now all my IP cameras are on hikconnect as well, which I don't want. To access my cameras I use IVMS-4500 app behind a VPN for security purposes, only my outdoor station should be viewed on hikconnect without VPN

How can I have the IP cameras on my indoor station but not on hikconnect? Is there a way to exclude specific cameras from essentially now being exposed to the internet?
Possibly login to the camera webGUI's and disable P2P?
On Hik connect, you have option in settings to either show channels or hide them. You will see "eye" icon that you can press which will toggle visibility of channel