IP360pro App completely locked out...


Dec 9, 2021
Hi all, Missus,s fone went south couple of days ago but managed to resurrect it. Phone was fine, cctv system(using XMeye) was ok but IP cam using IP360 wouldnt access - kept saying "account doesnt exist" etc regardless of passwords entered or renewed. It keeps giving conflicting remarks about the account though. One minute its "..doesnt exist" then its "..account exists and registered" but wont access with new modified password(s). Its basically locked out - this and ALL apps Ive tried. Camera shows on connected devices on router but it cant be logged onto in any shape of form.

Im at my wits end.. any suggestions ..
...any suggestions ..
I would avoid scanning a QR code or inserting a UID number into any app or software; that is a sure indicator of creating a P2P (peer-to-peer) cloud account which can be compromised and endanger your home network.

Millions Of Xiongmai Video Surveillance Devices Can Be Hacked Via Cloud Feature (Xmeye P2p Cloud)

"All devices from Xiongmai, a Chinese OEM who manufactures white-label video surveillance equipment, come with an always-on cloud feature called XMEye P2P cloud. This feature contains serious vulnerabilities that allow attacks on millions of devices, even ones that are behind firewalls..."
So...how do I log this device on so I can view it from my wifes smartfone remotely IN ANY WAY AT ALL regardless of hacking risks but avoiding cloud account if possible. I just want to be able to get the FLOUREON to connect to the router and the fone to connect remotely via the router. It did before perfectly well but now is locked out via that option. The camera is connected via a Lan, the camera IS THERE ! but its sitting there flashing red just waiting to be logged onto..