IPC-T5442T-ZE night feed with slight pulsating video


Young grasshopper
Apr 10, 2020
I'm new here and recently bought a couple of IPC-T5442T-ZE from Andy and recently put them up.
Today I notice that one of them is exhibiting odd behaviour in the night, a slight pulsating of gain and every second. It goes from a slightly higher gain shot back down lower gain and repeats this. A reboot seemed to have fixed it for now.
I also upgrade the firmware to:
System Version V2.840.15OG00D.0.R, Build Date: 2022-08-18

I know I don't have a video to share at this point, so forgive me. Despite this any thoughts on the matter?

Using backlight like WDR or HLC for example can cause this, as can the iframes. First match iframes to your FPS, so try 15 FPS and 15 iframes. It that doesn't work then try 30 iframes. And turn off backlight if you have it on.
What are the lighting conditions?
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Using backlight like WDR or HLC for example can cause this, as can the iframes. First match iframes to your FPS, so try 15 FPS and 15 iframes. It that doesn't work then try 30 iframes. And turn off backlight if you have it on.
Ok will do, I set both FPS / iframe to 15. Odd that my other cam with 30 FPS / 60 iframes (default setting) isn't doing this.
Ok will do, I set both FPS / iframe to 15. Odd that my other cam with 30 FPS / 60 iframes (default setting) isn't doing this.

Every camera and every view is different. Even the same camera model side-by-side looking at the same view can have widely different responses. Plus running a camera at 30FPS is overkill. Shutter speed is more important than FPS. Maxing out the camera is like maxing out your RPM on your car...bad things can happen.

Just keep in mind that "spec sheet wise" is under ideal conditions. Does your vehicle get the spec'd out MPG every fill up? I doubt it LOL.

Do a freeze frame capture of motion at night coming from 30 FPS. I bet it is a blur. But watching it realtime probably is silky smooth LOL.

Sure 30FPS can provide a smoother video but no police officer has said "wow that person really is running smooth". They want the ability to freeze frame and get a clean image. So be it if the video is a little choppy....and at 10-15FPS it won't be appreciable. My neighbor runs his at 60FPS, so the person or car goes by looking smooth, but it is a blur when trying to freeze frame it because the camera can't keep up. Meanwhile my camera at 15FPS with the proper shutter speed gets the clean shots.

Auto/default settings do not result in good video and ability to freeze frame, especially at night.

Watch these, for most of us, it isn't annoying until below 10FPS

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Is the lighting a streetlight? If so what kind, mercury vapor, high pressure sodium, halogen or LED?

Are you supplying your own lighting and the same questions regarding what kind of lighting.

High pressure sodium, which has a yellow/orange tint and LED in particular can "sync" with the scan rate of the camera and cause a flicker or pulsing effect.