I'm new here and recently bought a couple of IPC-T5442T-ZE from Andy and recently put them up.
Today I notice that one of them is exhibiting odd behaviour in the night, a slight pulsating of gain and every second. It goes from a slightly higher gain shot back down lower gain and repeats this. A reboot seemed to have fixed it for now.
I also upgrade the firmware to:
System Version V2.840.15OG00D.0.R, Build Date: 2022-08-18
I know I don't have a video to share at this point, so forgive me. Despite this any thoughts on the matter?
I'm new here and recently bought a couple of IPC-T5442T-ZE from Andy and recently put them up.
Today I notice that one of them is exhibiting odd behaviour in the night, a slight pulsating of gain and every second. It goes from a slightly higher gain shot back down lower gain and repeats this. A reboot seemed to have fixed it for now.
I also upgrade the firmware to:
System Version V2.840.15OG00D.0.R, Build Date: 2022-08-18
I know I don't have a video to share at this point, so forgive me. Despite this any thoughts on the matter?