IPC TPZ - Power Management


Jun 7, 2020
Hi Thanks in advance for your help! :D

I'm planning run several PTZ cameras in a farm to detect the presence of storks and flamingos. The cameras will run connected to 12v batteries, feeded by solar panels.

I've bought a X-secutity XS-IPSD6325SIWHA-4U camera for initial tests, in think this a rebranded Dahua 49425XBNR; the specs and the web interface are identical.. Also, my camera responds to the same instructions founded on the DAHUA_HTTP_API_V2.76 documentation.
However, for power saving purposes, I plan to shut down the camera at night and at some periods during the day.
In the http api, 4.6.25 Shutdown (action=shutdown) - describes a way to perform shutdown, but the camera does not power off or goes to a standby state...

Is there a way to shut down the camera via http request?

I'm planning to cut the power with a Sonoff SV (Sonoff SV: Low Voltage WiFi Remote Light Switch|ITEAD), but i prefer not to do it when the camera is in a full operating state.