IPM-721 camera streams on AVP, not on ASP


Sep 18, 2017
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TL;DR: I set up a camera with P2P, can watch live with AVP (Android phone) but not with ASP v2 (Windows 10). ASP sees it and says it's logged in.

Haven't used these cameras in a while, now I have an opportunity to use them. The setup is going to be a small WiFi network run off an LTE (mobile data) router. That's set up and works well enough.

Took a camera at random, did a factory reset, and set up as P2P. Added to both Amcrest Surveillance Pro v2 (Windows notebook) and AVP (Android phone).

Both notebook and phone are on the same WiFi network. Camera is on WiFi on the mobile network (in the same room). I watch the camera live on phone, not on notebook. I've redone it all a second time with the same result (sometimes the cameras don't connect on the phone, but it's done that for as long as I've had Amcrest cameras, and it usually comes up on 2nd or 3rd try.

What could I look at for the next step to getting this working?

Screenshots below. Taken within a couple of minutes of each other, then I left the ASP running for an hour but never streamed.




Screenshot_20240716_172408_Amcrest View Pro.jpg