Iqeye + Ambarella A5S + nand flash


Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone,
I have 3 bricked iqeye Mq6 series camera, these camera use Ambarella A5S chip.
I have a healthy camera of the same model, my broken cameras turned on and had a network link but their IP could not be found. I connected the camera to the computer with uart and putty and noticed that the bri flash partition was damaged. So I read the nand flash of a healthy camera by tnm5000 and programmed the nand flash of the briked cameras, but now my bricked cameras do not turn on and have no link. I guess I made a mistake in reading the nand flash of the healthy camera. PoE power supply and regulators are healthy. Also, my healthy camera still works after reading the flash and copying it, but there is a problem with the copied file on the damaged cameras !!! Probably there is a special way to read the flash of cameras with ambarella chips. These cameras do not have a usb port. Also, uart of bricked cameras does not work anymore. I tried to open a healthy flash file through binwalk, but I failed. I even tried several AFT software with different versions. But I did not succeed, I know that the flash file of a healthy camera is without a header, but I do not know how to copy the flash file completely from the nand flash of a healthy camera
please help me