iVideon Server on Win10 - Live view not reachable on T-mo/GalaxyS10


Jul 9, 2019
Atlanta, GA
Good Morning All:

Sorry if I'm putting this in the wrong spot, but I'm new and still fairly new to IP camera sets.

I'm running iVideon Server on my home Win10 pc. I was recently screwing with the streaming port on the app switching it from 8080 to another port so I could access my Ubiquiti controller software for my APs. After I did that, or at least what seems to be a coincidence , I could no longer access my IP Cameras live feed on my Galaxy S10 running on T-Mobile. I found out if I turn on wifi, it works. From the web interface via PC, desktop client, or Web interface via my S10 also works. So that pretty much ruled out all the WiFi/Firewall/Mobile Web client (Note, not saying mobile network as of yet) issues I could think of. Tried upgrading and downgrading the versions, same issue.

I can browse the historical feed via my cell internet just fine, and it's plenty fast. It's JUST the live view via cell internet. I called the tech line, but they're blaming it on my bandwidth. I used a friends iPhone (10 or something) via AT&Ts internet and it worked just fine. I tried my wife's galaxy s10, but it has the same issue. (Not sure what I was excepting.)

I attempted to wireshark the incoming connection, but it was rather hard sifting out all the other traffic on my PC since it runs plex and a million other things.

So, I grabbed a spare iMac I had lying around and loaded the server software on there, but same issue.

Any ideas?
If you're port-forwarding 8080 on your router so you can get to your Unifi controller when you're remote, the easiest thing might be to un-do that, setup Unifi Cloud Access(which will let you securely connect back to your Unifi controller when you're remote without needing to port forward), then put your iVideon server back to 8080.

I spend the last 10 minutes clicking around the iVideon website trying to find a diagram that shows data flow, ports, etc and didn't find anything. You mentioned that the web interface works. Does that run on their cloud or on your PC? You mentioned the web interface works from your S10 ... does it work when you're remote on T-Mobile? Did you have to setup port-forwarding for iVideon (or did it use uPNP to setup port forwarding itself)?
So, no port forwarding, I actually don't run the unifi controller for remote, I just turn it on occasionally to check my AP health and update firmware if necessary. The only reason I changed the port was I was hoping to run it all the time, but once I started having issues I went back to original config on iVideon. So, I already did all that, plus I offloaded my ivideon to a new system that way it wouldn't be a problem in the first place. I didn't even export the settings since I wanted a clean build.

Yeah, unfortunately iVideon isn't really a good source of info. However, they are completely free if you're self-hosting. I know there's some type of support forum or at least input into their Q&A section, because when I google my problem, I see hits with people talking, clicking on the link sends me to their Q&A page.

There is no port forwarding on my router and my PC isn't sitting in a DMZ. (In fact, I don't' even have any firewalls running anywhere.) So, those are really good questions about what I'm getting from where. The historical feed is obviously coming from my house since the data is stored on my harddrive. The live feed using chrome also work when I'm remote on T-Mobile on my S-10. My assumption is there's a feed going to their system and there's some type of Dynamic DNS going on to get the live feed. What i'm not sure of is if the live-feed is a direct connection to the camera or a feed through their cloud. I can call and ask.

I had never had to setup and uPNP or port fowarding.