JPEG picture from Hikvision camera - substream


Dec 2, 2015
Good morning,

I have a simple question - is there a way how to get JPEG SUB-STREAM picture (for example 320x240) from Hikvision camera?

The main stream picture is available at http://......./Streaming/channels/1/picture but i didnt find the substream picture URL.

I am looking for that because I need to periodically download small (no more than 50 kB) JPEG picture from the camera (every second). Picture quality doesnt matter.

Thank you very much!
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Unfortunately, I don't believe this is possible. At least I'm not aware of any way to do this.

I've also been trying to figure this out. It seams adding 02 the channel number is supposed to work, but I cannot get anything but full resolution.
I'm looking for the same thing, i'm getting main stream only ... how to get this fuck**** substream ?????

It seems it is not possible. I didnt find any way to do it so I had to download "main stream JPEG" and then resize it.