Karen Read trial - Exacqvision CCTV convo


Apr 29, 2023
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New Hampshire
Some CCTV related business came up in the Karen Read trial up here in Massachusetts and I am curious thoughts here. For those who haven't heard about this case - will let you do your own googling - but to say the least it is a polarizing one that has really captured the attention of the region.

All that being said, evidence in the way of CCTV footage was introduced this week. The format appears to be the Exacqvision self-contained video export method of an exe file. (see attached screenshot) The curious part is - this video feed is mirrored. The timestamp is correctly aligned (not that you can read it in this screengrab) but what you're looking at is the driver's side of the SUV in the foreground.

Without commenting on the various opinions of "why" - I just want to ask "how." A couple of things I believe to be true from working with Exacq NVRs over a number of years.
  1. The self-contained application containing video footage (like shown) does not provide any options to change the orientation of the video. Whatever way it was recorded is what will show. (you can change whether the timestamp is shown or not)
  2. Exacq does not provide an option within the NVR configuration to "mirror" video feeds. You can flip the picture 180 degrees - but I don't see an option to mirror.
  3. It's unclear what cameras they are using, but I can't remember ever seeing (and definitely not using) an option to mirror a feed. Can't understand why that would be useful.
  4. Even if that was possible, any change to the video would have to have been done PRIOR to the event recorded - as you can't change the orientation from a previous event. (at least, not when exporting through the self-contained method. You could certainly export a video in MP4 format and make changes to it - but this is clearly not that format)
So logically, the answer to how we have a mirrored video is either one of a couple options. (I think)
  1. It has always been mirrored for whatever reason, whether by way of some strange intent, or by mistake from the installer.
  2. Previous to pulling the vehicle in the garage, someone with the knowledge and access to the CCTV system/network went in and changed the orientation of the camera so that it would appear to be the passenger side of the ve
This is one of the first times I can remember having somewhat personal experience to comment on a criminal case. Curious others thoughts on it.