Large DB (>250,000 records) notification in BI


Feb 7, 2024
United States
Hello I was wondering if anyone could help with this message "Large DB (>250,000 records)" I'm receiving in my database window ? I'm running windows 11 BI x64 with db on my c drive and everything else on a 16tb surveillance internal hard drive . My CPU fluctuates low under 10% and GPU stays low under 5 %. Thanks for any help with the Large DB notification I'm receiving
You must be saving a lot of stuff unnecessarily.

Are you saving hi-rez images for the thumbnails instead of DB only? Are you saving lots of .Dat files?

Each one is considered a clip.

Are you cut and combining clips or having each trigger separate?

Keep in mind that each hi-rez alert image counts as a record and BI has stated that once you get over 200,000 records, the database can get really unstable.

Consider if you need a hi-rez alert for every alert. I used to and then BI would get slow and I would have to blow them all out.

I figure if I need an image, I am going to playback the video and take a snapshot of the best frame.

The thumbnail image is good enough for me and keeps the Alerts folder empty and thus the number of records down.

About the only way to get rid of that message now is to delete everything in the Alerts and New folder and delete the DB folder and let BI start over.
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I am pretty sure the record count is just the number of clips plus the number of alerts (high res image or not).

Blue Iris's database is not very resilient or very scalable (it barely qualifies as a "database" in this modern world in my opinion). Anyway, in a sort of acknowledgement of Blue Iris's limitations, the developer thought it would be a good idea to put a scary warning message in for people with a large database, without actually providing any obvious guidance on why that message is there or what (if anything) the user should do about it.

You can feel free to ignore the message. I always do. I also frequently have issues with database corruption and hours-long rebuilds, but I know that is because I have too much data for Blue Iris's terrible database system.
Keep in mind you will lose all your video, so make sure you saved anything of interest.
I am having issues with this again, even after adjusting clip size and making database settings. I will need to go back through and see how to get the record count down.
One way to keep the database size smaller is to tune your trigger conditions so it is less likely to trigger.

Also, I haven't tried this to be sure it works, but you could:
  • Record longer clips so there are fewer of them created.
  • For your "Alerts" folder, limit the clip age to some number of days (e.g. 14 days) and choose Delete so that, in theory, alert records get deleted automatically at a certain age so that the number of database records BI must maintain is reduced.

Then in theory the nightly "Compact/reindex DB at 2 AM" thing should remove deleted records, keeping your DB size under better control.

I would not personally do the above because I think it is silly to sacrifice data retention for the sake of some imaginary limit on the database size.
One way to keep the database size smaller is to tune your trigger conditions so it is less likely to trigger.

Also, I haven't tried this to be sure it works, but you could:
  • Record longer clips so there are fewer of them created.
  • For your "Alerts" folder, limit the clip age to some number of days (e.g. 14 days) and choose Delete so that, in theory, alert records get deleted automatically at a certain age so that the number of database records BI must maintain is reduced.

Then in theory the nightly "Compact/reindex DB at 2 AM" thing should remove deleted records, keeping your DB size under better control.

I would not personally do the above because I think it is silly to sacrifice data retention for the sake of some imaginary limit on the database size.

One of the BI updates "overrides" the option you mention in the Alerts folder and keeps the thumbnails for the duration of the video file and thus the "clips" number stays high.
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One of the BI updates "overrides" the option you mention in the Alerts folder and keeps the thumbnails for the duration of the video file and thus the "clips" number stays high.

In that case I guess it would be necessary to just reduce the number of alerts happening. The help file says there is an option to immediately delete alerts that are canceled by AI. I just have no idea where that option is.


Ah, here it is, found in Camera Properties > Alert tab > AI configuration.

Just ran into this, I am recording 24/7 on all cameras in 15 min clips, for easy scrubbing

I am at 280,000 but was just thinking about extending retention for my front cameras and adding more disk. Should I hold off?

Good advice in the thread, did the AI trick and better tuned some cameras for alerts

Will see if it reduces much over the next few days