Latest firmware update bricks foscam FI9900P

May 24, 2022
I logged in to my foscam app today to view one of my cameras, and I was prompted to install a new firmware update. It said the update optimized cloud storage.

The process completed successfully,but after it went back to view the camera, it would not connect. Lights are on on the network cable and it has power. I tried doing the reset using the reset button. Then deleted the camera from the app and tried re-adding. Now it won't even connect to add it back. Stops at 20%.

The sad thing is I had a had an identical camera in storage in case one went down, so I set it up. It worked perfectly. But I was prompted to do the firmware update again. I thought maybe the first one was a fluke, so I updated the second cam. Same thing. Now it no longer connects.

Any idea on how to fix these or are they scrap now? I have an email support ticket in to foscam but I'm not expecting anything positive. If you have one of these cams working DO NOT LET THE APP UPDATE THE FIRMWARE.
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FYI foscam sent me new firmware and I was able to install it using the SD card. Disaster averted. Was surprised their support was so good. Took a couple days, but got fixed in the end.
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Hey, had similar issue here. Did they send you a physical SD card with the firmware or did they just send you the firmware update file? Was able to get a file from them, but still having issues getting camera to work (similar issue here where I bricked 2 cameras thinking first was a fluke).

Also, not sure if it's against forum policy, but could you potentially share the firmware file that worked for you.
FYI foscam sent me new firmware and I was able to install it using the SD card. Disaster averted. Was surprised their support was so good. Took a couple days, but got fixed in the end.
I did the same thing. My camera (Foscam model - F19900P)does not have an SD card slot. How did you update as I am assuming you had the same camera?
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I did the same thing. My camera (Foscam model - F19900P)does not have an SD card slot. How did you update as I am assuming you had the same camera?
You have to unscrew the front of the camera and take the lens off. It's a ridiculous design. Then the slot is inside hidden. Google it and it will show you what screws to remove. Will need a tiny screwdriver. I guess they do that so people don't steal your sd card? Lol
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Hallo Camguycamera. Haben sie die Datei für die FI9900p noch ? könnten sie mir die per PN Schicken ? Gruss ms1958

Hello Camguycamera. Do you still have the file for the FI9900p? could you send them to me via PM? Greetings ms1958