Lemons in Texas


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
All of you in Florida and California would see this as ho-hum but I don't think it's very common in North Texas. I bought this Meyer lemon tree as an impulse item about 5 years ago at Home Depot. I've repotted it 4 times, trimmed the crap out of it when it gets too leggy, brought inside in freezing weather, (including our 2021 deep freeze). This has been the best year - I just counted 22 lemons about ready to pick. I know lemons aren't everyone's favorite fruit but these Meyer lemons are not as tart as normal lemons and some are almost the size of an orange. Not being familiar with growing citrus I was surprised how long these take to ripen - I'm talking months for them to get to this point.

Lemon tree3.jpgLemon tree4.jpg
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Nice lookin tree.

I've been toying with the idea of a grapefruit tree for next year.

Interesting note: we used to go over to Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge a lot and catch redfish and trout along the shore of the N Indian River lagoon. There are huge schools of 30"-50" reds that still frequent the lagoon. The remains of the almost 200 year old Dummitt citrus groves are still there deep back in the wooded areas and I've picked grapefruit from those tress that was excellent!