Loosafe PT camera and Blue Iris


Young grasshopper
May 12, 2015
I just got a Loosafe PT camera (LS-V8) that I'd like to use as a doggie cam.
It doesn't seem to have ONVIF but I managed to get video working with BI. (the interface is netsurveillance so just copied one of my other cheap cam's paths)
I'm trying to get the PT part working, but not sure what to select.
The path I'm using is: (/user=admin_password=blah_channel=1_stream=0.sdp?real_stream) if that helps.
It's info page lists it's version as V5.00.R02.000239A0.100000.244908.00000

I can attach snapshots of any of it's admin pages if that would help.
Don't have a PTZ, but try the following:

Ensure PTZ Control is enabled on cam:


Then try pressing on the arrow keys:
I've just finished some wiresharking of the camera when I web to it and when I do a PT, I commands get going to port 34567. (streaming is through 34567 as well)
The streaming from BI is through 554 and I discovered a netsurveillance camera option in the config section of BI.
port 554 'model' works, port 34567 model does not.
I checked wireshark and both BI and the web interface are sending the same commands so I think I'm on the right track regarding PT.
The only problem is port 34567 and BI don't work. (Bedser cameras are the same, and 34567 doesn't work with them either)
I've put in a support ticket regarding the problem and am waiting to hear back.
Support requested that I open my camera to BI so they could check.
Looks like Ken himself had a look and I guess the camera was an edge case, he's changed some code and it'll be in the next update of BI.
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All my cameras are on their own VLAN with no access to the internet. (and the wireless ones have their own SSID linked to the same VLAN)
When I opened up the ports to BI, I opened only to BI's IP, didn't want to have every script kiddy trying to hack my camera.
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