Low fps during daytime


Young grasshopper
Apr 7, 2015

I'm using blue iris to monitor two cameras. Since 2-3 days, I have one problem with one of the two (trend net 310PI) . BI and the cam are both set to work at 20 fps. But during daytime, the fps drop to maximum10-15 fps , and sometimes drop to 0 fps, losing the signal for some secs. During night, there is no problem, I have 20 fps. There is no difference in the configuration of my setup since these 2-3 days... and everything was working perfectly before..

I have tried to reset the concerned camera to factory settings, without success. I also tried to reboot BI, also without success. The reboot of the router didn't resolve the problem.

Can someone help me?

Thank you!
Is this wireless? I recently had a similar problem and never could figure out what it was but something in the neighborhood was interfering with my wireless at times, sometimes for hours. I finally just wired them up with ethernet and it solved my problem. If yours are wired then it's a different problem than I had.