Lowest Price Dahua 4K PTZ IP Camera


Getting the hang of it
Jul 24, 2015
Has Dahua released any 4K PTZ IP cameras under $1000 yet?

If not, any in the works?
4k? Not that I've seen.. dont hold your breath, right now your going to shell out between $350-$650 USD just for a 4k fixed camera.

They have bumped the infamous black face PTZ up to 4MP tho, and added on IVS features.. those will run you ~$500-800 depending on optics.
4k? Not that I've seen.. dont hold your breath, right now your going to shell out between $350-$650 USD just for a 4k fixed camera.

They have bumped the infamous black face PTZ up to 4MP tho, and added on IVS features.. those will run you ~$500-800 depending on optics.

Yeah, I've been watching those 4K fixed cams as well. I was hoping some company would come along and start the ball rolling for 4K PTZ. I've seen those Panasonic 4K PTZ's, but they are way too expensive. I was hoping Dahua would step up.

Somebody call Dahua right now and tell them to step up, damn it. :) Maybe they just need to pull a Foxconn or something. I dunno.

What's taking them so long? Ambarella holding them up?
a few things are keeping 4k prices high, sensor availability for one.. demand is high, and production is low.. secondly, optics.. there is a plethora of cheap optics out there, but as you increase resolution the lack of quality starts being obvious where as lower resolutions it was not.. once you walk away from the bulk of these cheap lenses then the prices go up really quick, ever looked at what optics on SLR's cost? heh.. the cost of the optics become the greatest cost really fast.

eventually the market will adjust, but this industry adjusts at a snails pace.. everything takes long time, that you can bet on.. people dont install video systems every year like they buy an iphone
eventually the market will adjust, but this industry adjusts at a snails pace.. everything takes long time, that you can bet on.. people dont install video systems every year like they buy an iphone

That is the sad truth. This industry needs a major disruption.

I remember thinking that a GV-650 surveillance card would be outdated after a couple years. That little sucker lasted almost 10 years because the industry was so slow for the longest time. They even retrofitted that surveillance card to work with the latest PCI bus as the old busses became obsolete. I think it started out on the old ISA bus from way back. Then Hikvision came along and made a nice dent in the timelines, but still nowhere near the size of the crater it needs to cause. IP cams with the very high resolutions helped a bunch too, but still, not enough.

Yeah, I've always made the light speed comparison difference of how a regular Video card (GPU) or any other PC upgrade really, are insanely quick, but the surveillance industry is like a snail dipped in molasses frozen in Alaska and glazed with super glue (poor snail). C'mon industry, c'mon. giddy up.
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Dahua finally offers FLIR PTZ's for a couple grand, thats a huge advance from the $25k+ we've been looking at for the last few decades... so there is some nice progress.

its being disrupted, but even that is slow hah.. 4k adoption could be driven faster by surveillance systems, most people are happy with there 1080p TV's but us surveillance geeks want more pixels like gearheads want more boost ;)
I would be very careful about using a 4K cam unless ur using it for day only viewing or in color mode with allot of available light at night. The higher the mp , the worse the night vision gets unless you move into the starlight series which uses a 1.9 sensor I believe. The newer 4mp cameras are using the 1/3 sensor and the IQ of the night vision is obvious compared to just the 2.8 2mp cameras. I have one of the new 4mp Dahua black face 30x Ptz cameras and I'm kinda wishing I would have went with the older 2mp offering due to the difference in the night vision for my application. However the day pic is beautiful at 4mp and digital zoom is my better.
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hey angelojonaos, can you post up a review of the new black face ptz with some sample videos? I have yet to see any output from it yet..
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hey angelojonaos, can you post up a review of the new black face ptz with some sample videos? I have yet to see any output from it yet..

man, I suck at that review stuff. Its a nice cam, wish they used a 2.8 sensor instead of the 1/3 for better night vision. Also was told that the ivs model is not released yet. Mine only has face or motion detection.
1/2.8 is effectively 1/3.. that 0.2 isint whats making the low light worse, its doubling the pixel sensitivity in the same area that is..
Yeah it's the old cannon/Nikon mp sales Pitch war. I understand that. Still like the 2.8. Don't get me wrong, it's not horrible and the day pic justifies it but there is a noticeable difference. Would love this same 4mp camera in a 1.9 offering like the starlight. I may even go as far to adding a second camera(starlight) to this location since the area has very little available light.