LPR on Aircraft-Registrations? Anyone?


Aug 28, 2016

is here anyone doing LPR or lets say (Aircraft-)Registration Recognition with a LPR-Camera?
Background is: You might believe it or not - Germany is somewhat switching/allowing Non-Controlled Airport-Operations without the need for a kind of "Air-Boss" being around, what was the basic requirement to do a landing on this airport. But, what we will have, is the requirement to do the necessary documentation for all movements on the airstrip. So we are looking around to see, if there are alternative means beneath ADS-B or FLARM to do a kind of logging. Shure it would be possible to have a camera generating an event with some recording but why not looking for a direct Registration-Recognition of this Aircraft filmed?

Does anyone does this already or could point to a solution?

best regards

With Blue Iris and a custom model made by @MikeLud1 to read plates, I think it would be possible. While it reads plates, it is simply a character reader so if the camera captured the tail number it would probably read it.

Many of us will catch the occasional "plate" read of a company name, phone number, DOT number, etc. so I would guess a tail number would be no different.

I would say give it a shot. Worse case would be you would have to have a model trained on aircraft.
Non-towered airports are pretty common here in the US. Why not record broadcasts on CTAF frequencies to capture the tail numbers?

ALPR will probably not recognize the tail numbers without some custom model? Maybe just run the images against OCR? There is a OCR module in CPAI that seems to work pretty well.