LPR setup help

Will be real interested in the difference in light pickup running color at night between those two cameras...
Oh, I'll post a couple pictures for you. I already have one 7x cam running picking up at the same spot as the 431. Give me a bit.
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That 431 is quite huge. But the LPR box I built could house it. You got me thinking on this one. But $899 is a bit high for a cam at my house.
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Alright, here is how all my plate/face cams are set up.

First 4 pictures are of the 431 (cam 19) and 7442 (cam 18). The 431 is approximately 90 feet, 7442 80 feet. The angles are different, with the 431 pointing E to W down the street, and the 7442 pointing N.
The 7442 is taking pics of the t-intersection I have, hence the different angles.

First 2 pictures are of the same car, 431 then 7442. Second 2 pictures are of the same car, 431 then 7442.
To be fair, if you allow the vehicle to come a bit closer on the 7442 pictures the plate is much clearer. The pics attached are what the NVR took at that certain time.

The next 5 pictures are of the 5241 (cam 16 s1 170 feet) / 5241 (cam 14 s2 135 feet) / 431 (cam 19) / 7442 (cam 18) / 437 ANPR (cam 13 70 feet).


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Same neighbors will be the first ones knocking on your door when something happens to their property!

Been there, done that, and still doing it LOL.
And/or the 5.0
And/or the 5.0
Law enforcement in my area are all good people. There might be a couple who I think step a little too close to the line, but they all have a very difficult job to do with a lot of people criticizing every little thing after the fact. I really would like more people to do ride a longs just to see first hand how screwed up things are.
Right now I have two 5241 Z12E cams. One is set at 45mm and the other is set at 52mm.
Gotcha. Looking at around 80-100 feet? The 431 is a REALLY nice camera. lol..
But it really is a bit difficult to justify for a lot/most people, especially when considering you can get 3-4 5241 for about the same price, or a 413, 7x series and have money left over for another 5241 cam.

But it really is nice. :)
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I'm still waiting for a newer plate to come by, unless I missed it. lol... The police have them and of course they haven't driven by, that I've seen.
I commonly see this from local and County LE..

The first one is most common, not all but most LE local/County. They use some type of spray to block the plate numbers


The second one I see rarely. Its a non-reflective metal plate.
You can see that the camera IR was indeed on from the truck proceeding the LE unit plate being reflective as normal.
LE was cold trailing him by about 5 seconds

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