Merging databases from two servers into one


Feb 24, 2020
Reaction score
North Carolina
I upgraded the Blue Iris server, whole new machine, whole new software install. My mistake was that I setup the new server, let it run a couple of days to make sure it was working okay, made some further tweaks, AND NOW, I want to merge in all the clips, alerts, recordings from previous server into this one. Is there (please) a somewhat definitive set of instructions for doing this?
To reiterate and clarify, I had server A running for about a year. I built a new server, server B, with fresh software install. I deactivated Blue Iris on Server A and registered the new install on server B. Exported settings from A, and imported them into B (slick as pig snot - worked great!!). Server B was now running live and recording but w/o history from Server A. Tweaked hardware & OS on Server B and now it works great. NOW, I need to move all that history from Server A while hopefully keeping the two days of history in the new database on Server B. How do I do this, please? What might make this easier is that there is no overlap on coverage or history btw server A and server B.
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Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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Right click any clip and choose Database > Repair/Regenerate. This tells Blue Iris to inspect every file in the folders it is currently set to put recordings into, and insert or update them in the database as needed. It depends on the file names matching the expected pattern so it can identify the camera which the file belongs to, and to learn the timestamp. Files that do not match an existing camera are ignored.

So before you do the Repair/Regenerate you need to copy your clips from the old machine to the new one . Ideally retain the same directory structure as before.

"Blue Iris/Alerts" -> "Blue Iris/Alerts"
"Blue Iris/New" -> "Blue Iris/New"
"Blue Iris/Stored" -> "Blue Iris/Stored"

The Repair/Regenerate process can take quite a lot of time (potentially many hours) depending on the number of clips and speed of disks. While the repair is happening Blue Iris will be unable to record anything.