Mic Background Noise on IP Camera


Jul 21, 2015

Re: Mic Background Noise on IP Camera DIY Install.

I am getting a buzz/throbbing noise from a separate microphone - which is plugged into my IP camera, I can hear sound from within the CMS software, but it is mostly obscured by the noise - it is quite loud, any ideas why would be helpful.

I have purchased one of these:

720p Pin Hole IP Camera

and one of these:

CCTV Camera Mic.

I have the microphone's white plug, plugged into the white connector on the Camera (yes the camera has one of these), a POE connector feeds power - first to the Mic, then on to the camera (black and red connectors) - I have an image, but cant seem to post it up.

I have tried just laying the mic. lose on a surface (it was pushed into a hole) - at least a foot away from the camera, to rule out interference. I have also put my finger over the mic - but that too made no difference.

Any pointers would be helpful.
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My Hikvision cameras with microphones don't sound great but the noise is not overwhelming. See if you have alternative audio encoding format options. Maybe the playback software isn't liking the format.
OK, we tried another mic, an KJ-803 (a white golf ball/dome mic) - with a DC battery pack - and the buzzing/throbbing has gone away. NOt sure at this stage if the Power Supply that came with the camera (and feeding the mic) was the problem, or that the mic was the problem. Ordered a DC splitter, and feed the white dome mic off the this power and see.

Other problem now is the sound of the car tyres on tarmac - when a car goes past it mostly drowns out any speech, am looking at making a 'shotgun microphone', unless anyone has other ideas on how toi get rid of the traffic noise. The mic is pointed from a second floor roof soffit, at a slight angle, but not towards the road - so don't know why nits picking up such a lot of traffic noise.