Mike > Copying search URLs?


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
Megatroplis, USA
Hey Mike, I think it might be useful to be able to paste search URLs onto posts. For example, I search for the term "Ipcamophrenia" and three (3) results are returned, but the URL which is returned is "https://www.ipcamtalk.com/search.php?searchid=523794" which, when clicked, returns "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."

Here are some real-world examples of what I am trying to describe and each of these URLs can be pasted into a post and other can click on the URL and view the intended search results...

Such functionality would be useful here at ipcamtalk.com, if possible (and in my opinion).
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I've noticed this too, how the search URLs all use an ID that expires fast. But I have no idea if or how to put keywords into the URL.

@Mike, any idea?
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IMO, there must be a solution for this...it's too important a feature for the developers of this superb discussion forum software not to have remedied.
@Q2U it's possible....The reason why everyone sees the "searchid" portion is because vBulletin (the forum software) puts your searches into a (expiring) cookie that only you can see for a period of time. However, there is a way to submit a search via URL.


Where searchwordis the word for which you are searching.

Here is a list of the extra search parameters you can add to the URL. When you add a search parameter to the URL you need to add this to the end of the URL:
Search field: Search by Key Word

Variable name: titleonly
  • 0 = Search Entire Posts
  • 1 = Search Titles Only

Search field: Search by User Name

Variable name: searchuser
Values: Enter a username

Variable name: starteronly
  • 0 = Find Posts by User
  • 1 = Find Threads Started by User

Variable name: exactname
  • 0 = Partial name
  • 1 = Exact name

Search field: Find Threads with

Variable name: replyless
  • 0 = At Least
  • 1 = At Most

Variable name: replylimit
Values: Any integer values

Search field: Find Posts from

Variable name: searchdate
  • 0 = Any Date
  • lastvisit = Your Last Visit
  • 1 = Yesterday
  • 7 = A Week Ago
  • 14 = 2 Weeks Ago
  • 30 = A Month Ago
  • 90 = 3 Months Ago
  • 180 = 6 Months Ago
  • 365 = A Year Ago

Variable name: beforeafter
  • after = and Newer
  • before = and Older

Search field: Sort Results by

Variable name: sortby
  • rank = Relevancy
  • title = Title
  • replycount = Number of Replies
  • views = Number of Views
  • threadstart = Thread Start Date
  • lastpost = Last Posting Date
  • postusername = User Name
  • forum = Forum

Variable name: order
  • descending = in Descending Order
  • ascending = in Ascending Order

Search field: Show Results as

Variable name: showposts
  • 0 = Show Results as Threads
  • 1 = Show Results as Posts

Search field: Search in Forum(s)

Variable name: forumchoice[]
Values: Do not include this variable in the URL to search all forums. If you want to search specific forums then you need to add an instance for each forumid. For example:
Where X, Y, and Z are the forumids of the forums in which you want to search.

Variable name: childforums
  • 0 = Do not search in child forums
  • 1 = Also search in child forums
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