Move from DeepStack to CodeProject?


Known around here
May 14, 2019
I've been using Deepstack for the longest time, and generally have no issue. From reading comments on here, it seems The CodeProject AI is now preffered over Deepstack?

Is moving to CodeProject as easy as just changing the location and port to CodeProject and everything just works? What about all my alerting etc, it just keeps working?
That would be correct, but if Deepstack is working for you, don't fix what ain't broke.

There seems to be a lot more issues with people running CodeProject than Deepstack. Just take a peek in that sub-forum.

But there are some issues with CodeProject and a concern that it is dead as well and that could see the AI move to another engine.

Unless you are looking for a new hobby, I would hold off and see what happens with CodeProject.

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Well, alright then :p

I guess I'll just let it keep on trucking. I keep meaning to move all my people alerts to Frigate, but I just can't get it to deliver emails the same way we like from Blue Iris. Maybe thats there my effort needs to be at!