Moved my SD5A425XA-HNR 4MP PTZ from back patio to upstairs window


Pulling my weight
Jan 22, 2019
I originally wanted my PTZ in the upstairs window as it was the highest point and a straight non angled view. Though, it would be behind glass and not the best I could work with it as I have in the past. This time it wouldn't work as to much of the side views where cut off and the glare even with blinds/curtains was too bad.
So I had it ghetto rigged on a 2x6x10 and a homer bucket. It did the job but since I couldn't get a 4x4 past 8' the 2x6 would move in higher winds and wasn't the best. Now it should be better and no movement and has a better focus to me as it's not at an sharp angle.
Now I need to get a ton of weather stripping or cut a template to feel the 2 in gap where the 2x4 goes through the window. Would love to just mount on a better pole or to the wall but can't as I live in an apartment, so had to get creative.

you may also consider designing a mounting support using a strong round magnet + metal (sandwich) between the glass. There are different types/prices of magnets based on holding force

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Look for some old aluminum sheets they make great mounts i use old road construction signs cut to the size you need and bend 90 degree and you got a mount. i make corner mount,s pole mounts, and flush mounts very strong and dose not bend, you have to use bolts to mount cameras as there is not enough metal to hold metal screws
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could also consider using 5/16" threaded tie rods to replace the 2x4's. Attach tie rods to outside sheet of thick plastic or better yet a small Trex deck board. For the inside do the same. If wanna get fancy on the inside, could install recessed threaded nut and T handle to tighten things down on the inside wall.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I may look into something better later. I originally had 3/4 x 3 x 2 I had cut up to make a bracket but was worried about the weight of the PTZ main reason I used 2x6.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I may look into something better later. I originally had 3/4 x 3 x 2 I had cut up to make a bracket but was worried about the weight of the PTZ main reason I used 2x6.
5/16" threaded rod holds 500lb equipment. I think it can handle a PTZ :) Granted, the weight is vertical, not horizontal. Maybe better would be thicker threaded rod or 3/4" steel rod at Home Depot/Lowes (though, not threaded), or some type of steel plate. Small window gap = better.
Since apt, I understand you are unable to drill holes for braces & brackets.

Also a consideration, Those Trex 2x'4s. Bottom left window corner upto center top of window. Use hinge and attach another piece going from center top window down to the bottom right window. Basically a inverted "V". Could add adjustable feet at the bottom of both "V" to tighten things up. Granted, this would not look pretty to look out the window.