My IP cameras stopped send me e-mail


Apr 2, 2023
Hi everybody

I have 5 IP FOSCAM cameras in my house since last 10 years and they work normally. Last 7 days they stopped send me email with snapshots. I tried to send it through the camera's menu by clinking on TEST button and they gave me the message "TLS certificate verification failed: unable to get local issuer certificate". I use my Yahoo account. I tried with my alternative email accounts in gmail and hotmail but in both cases it give the message "authentication failed (method login)". May somebody help me?
Consider using G-mail:

1) login to your G-mail (Google) account,
2) turn on two-factor autherntication and
3) create an app password.
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Consider using G-mail:

1) login to your G-mail (Google) account,
2) turn on two-factor autherntication and
3) create an app password.
Dear TonyR thanks for the suggestion.
I tried G-mail. At first step I saw that the "two factor authentcation" is ON. There were not any choice of creating APP PASWORD but there is the choice of create KEY. I setup a KEY (like windows PIN). I tried a lot and the same message appeared: "Authentication failed (method login).
I cannot think any other solution except of replace all the cameras with newer ones. But the cost is high....