My night identification when there is movement is terrible - I have a 5442T-ZE


Young grasshopper
Jan 12, 2022
Reaction score
Marin CA
After repeated incidents that happen at night it is high time I stop complaining and see if I can fix this. I bought this camera and used the setting recommended in here long ago and hoped it would be a lot better TBH. I know there is a lot of technical stuff.

SO for example, this guy drove by and threw a beer bottle at my neighbors house. People are so terrible sometimes. Anyway, I want to see the license place. I can barely tell what model vehicle it is much less the plates. In this video he was traveling about 15-25 MPH.
1) Is this camera even technically capable of capturing this at this speed in this setting? If not, then I want to invest in a camera that can so looking for suggestions.
2) If it is capable, awesome so hoping with your help I could tweak the settings.




IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
Yes that camera is capable to capture plates under the right settings.

You need more zoom and a faster shutter.

The ZE at full zoom is good for maybe 25ish feet. It doesn't look like you are full zoomed? If you are then you need a camera with more zoom.

What is your shutter speed? It should be 1/2000. That image looks too bright for 1/2000, so if it is then you have it set for shutter priority and not manual and thus the gain is cranked up. You probably need to be running infrared and b/w and won't really see much except a plate that goes by.

Remember if you want to capture plates, then the camera has to be set up with that as the primary goal. Your image looks like you are trying to capture other things as well.