Need Advice: Best Outdoor Dome Camera?


Jul 15, 2015
Hi all, I'm new to the forums and am looking to get your advice.

I'm in need of a good outdoor dome camera that balances performance with price. I don't have a huge budget (~$200), but definitely want to get the highest quality camera in that price range.

Any pointers or recommendations?

Thanks in advance for your help!
These are brand new so I don't think anyone has tried them yet, but if they hold up to expectations, the answer is quite simply Dahua's new 4MP camera lineup.

They are currently under $100 apiece, which is cheaper than many 3 MP cameras, while being actually 3.7 MP (not quite 4 MP as advertised, but thats okay).

Some are linked here, and the seller, cctv camera china, is highly regarded by many users here.
That's awesome! Thanks for the advice. I went ahead and ordered one, but it looks like it's going to take about a month to arrive.

As soon as I get it, I'll test and post my thoughts.

Thanks again!