Need ideas on setup in new home and advice on options looking for (turrets, nvr etc)


Sep 29, 2015
In a new home renovating and wife wants a security system. Doing ton of research and finally decided on doing an economical IP system with NVR. I'm dreaming likely, but budgeting around $7-800 max to start with. The home is your typical colonial tutor style with 2 car garage up front, front entrance with overhang that has the driveway to the side, and 2 sliding back doors in backyard.

Looking for any help/guidance in equipment to look and best manner to set everything up. Learning a lot, but I feel like I'm on information load right now and getting confused a bit with everything the market has to offer, and everyone's opinions.

As this is a system I think I'll build up over time, i'm just going to start with 4 cameras for the time being (looking for recommendations on the below options):
a) Turret style by the front door (unless dome is better recommended).
b) Either a bullet or turret for the front of the 2 car garage, located around or above the light sensor
c) Bullet or dome style mounted on the overhang of the 2nd level of the house overlooking back yard (need far reach NV as back yard extends into woods about 250')
d) Dome or turret inside the house (maybe locate by the front door, facing towards inside of home for max coverage).

Looking at Hikvision or Dahua cameras as seem to be the best price for performance. Just saw a post today about LTS cameras and they are pretty nice, though look a bit more $$.

NVR's I'm a bit fuzzy on. There are a lot of stand alone NVR's that just record. I'd like to find a fairly priced NVR that I can link in an alarm system which would consist of door/window sensors. This way if a sensor is triggered, it'll link with the cameras turning them on to record and alert me. Maybe this is something I'm over thinking and should keep them independent? Not sure how to proceed with this regard. If it is recommended to have everything linked together through the NVR, any decently priced NVR's that have alarm input and 8 channel input? The door/window sensors I can't hard wire as the walls around them are not going to be torn down to run the wires.

Wishes for NVR: silent fan, 8 channels, alarm input, text/email alert, remote viewing, ability to hook up a small touch screen monitor in kitchen (to monitor whose at the front door knocking), and ability at same time to connect monitor/tv to review all channels for recording/reviewing. NVR will be remote from the POE switch, the touch screen, and monitor/tv. I'm running all my ethernet leads in the house for security and internet to one location in the laundry room where i'll have a switch for internet, and switch for POE. The verizon modem will be in a home office, and NVR located likely in the master bedroom or the office.

A separate wish, though I'm not sure it's attainable though, is to put a camera outside on my shed, which is about 100' from the house, maybe a bit longer. There's power running out to the shed, but I do not want to run an ethernet line there. Any suggestions on how, and if there is a way to include this for future integration (wifi??)?

Thanks in advance!!