Neighbours kids climbing into our garden (Dahua)


Jan 20, 2016
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Not the most exciting footage but the neighbours kids climbed over our fence this morning to get their ball back. I saw it happening live which was fortunate timing.

I had planned to hide the camera away in that corner but if the kids climb in again they'd wreck it. Any ideas on what I can put there to discourage the kids from climbing in like this?

This was shot on a Dahua HWF-4300s at 10fps on a Synology NAS.

If the Synology had the motion detection from Sighthound it would be perfect but alas that's not gonna happen.



Pulling my weight
Apr 17, 2014
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Any ideas on what I can put there to discourage the kids from climbing in like this?
How about moving the stuff in that corner so they don't have an easy way down or back over the fence. And plant some thorn bushes there. I don't think neighbors would appreciate barbed wire. ;)

Del Boy

Getting comfortable
Mar 19, 2015
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UK - England
Any ideas on what I can put there to discourage the kids from climbing in like this?
Go round and ask them to not do it because it is ruining your fence? Ask them to walk round and knock on your door to fetch the ball. They're kids not career criminals!


Jan 20, 2016
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Hah yes, the grass is LONG overdue a cut. We're calling round at the neighbours in a few minutes, we had another climbover this afternoon while we were out.

That corner would be an ideal place (IMO) to put a camera so it can face the house so my plan is to make a little raincover and pop a camera in there fairly low to the floor. The risk is that a would-be burglar could steal or disconnect the camera but at least I'll have a great view of their face if they did so.


IPCT Contributor
May 12, 2016
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Pyracantha, or Berbesis Verruculosa all the way along that back fence...and while you are at it do the side fences too. The last one will take a few years to grow though. If you want quicker growing try Berberis Darwinii (not 'compacta), however, you will only get mild stopping power with that one because Darwinii has it all in the leaves. If you are really annoyed go for Berberis Julianae.
If you put barbed wire or something physical there you are liable if someone gets hurt. If you do it with plants it's their own hard cheese. Having said that, while you wait for the plants to grow you could just put a bit of trellis up that pokes above the fence while you wait for the plants to grow...that may stop them depending on their outlook on life.
Those are certainly some effective plants. Pyracnatha's growth habit can be a little irregular making it challenging to prune as it gets big. I suppose you could always try to get some poison ivy growing on your fence.

@joyork try to remember you were a kid once too who had to retrieve balls and Frisbee's from the neighbor's yard. I imagine you'd mainly prefer they ring your doorbell or go through your gate, but if you come across as the mean scary neighbor that's not going to happen.
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Getting comfortable
Mar 15, 2014
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Our neighbor kid kept knocking on our door because his ball would go over the fence, Finally told him to just go back there and get it. Its just a chain link fence so it's not like we have anything to hide. I understand though the OP wants to keep his privacy, hence the privacy fence. They look like just kids that don't know any better though.