New to Frigate - I’m puzzled..


Getting the hang of it
Dec 25, 2023
Hi and merry Xmas from Denmark

I have installed frigate on my Unraid but I’m getting no picture. Have checked the stream in VLC player and there it works. I have the system running flawlessly on. VM in BI on Unraid but really wanna try frigate. I have only altered the config.yaml very basic start configuration to suit one of my cameras but no picture. Have tried uploading a config.yml as docu says but no picture. In addition I have to add I use a MikroTik router and I’m wondering if I need to open for ports 5000,8555 etc for it to work. I’m not using any coral yet as I won’t buy if Unraid can pull it off. So it might be detectors missing in my config?? I’m using a Lenovo tiny i5 13th gen. It runs bi without even sweating. I’m using Empiretech Dahua cameras.

Can you post your config?

Merry Christmas!
Well ... look and you shall find. I pulled the logs, and as I'm danish I used "indkørsel" as is driveway on danish. Changed it to Indkorsel and voila!
Now I gotta figure out how to detect humans and cars only, and record to my WD purple 3TB I have on Unraid. 2ndly I need integration into HomeAssistant so I cant get alerts. On BI I get alerts as Im always connected to my Mikrotik router via Wireguard.
As I understand there is no frigate app, so how to get those alerts?

Could you help with that. Here is my very simple starter config

enabled: false

enabled: true
- path: rtsp:/xxxxx:xxxxx@ # <----- The stream you want to use for detection
- detect
- rtmp
enabled: false # <---- disable detection until you have a working camera feed
width: 1280
height: 720
version: 0.14
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Your indentation is off, the camera name needs to be the same indentation to the camera above it

As for cars and humans, here is an example config for a camera of mine which tracks cars, motorcycles and people

Thx - how about my recording lines? How do I ensure it saves to my 3tb wd. It’s all done in the docker setup in Unraid?

Anything else I need. I just wanna record, have it delete after say x amount of days and alert when seeing e.g person, car.

And how to get those alerts on my iPhone? Only possible via Homeassistant?

If you should modify my config to those needs could you show for 1 camera Sir?