New to the Forum need a small favor

Sep 21, 2017
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While I become more familiar with BI I have to say it is a power house and very well developed. I have it installed on a DEll r620 2 six core procs, 196gb of ram and about 30tb or storage. I also have a media server on it so they share the resources. My question is about triggering and alerts.

I have a single driveway camera I have been testing and seeing very good quality. I Kept getting a push notification for each car that drove by and I wanted to limit that and still have it record. SO I set up 2 zones. 1 for the road which records and one for the driveway which records and notifies. The issue is I am still getting push notifications on the zone for the road. I know I must be missing something obvious but I wanted to see if this community go assist. Also if you have any settings tips that increase quality or use. I have a 5mp GW security cam I am playing with. I attached a screenshot that looks like it was enhavnced by a 2nd grader so apologies there.


Getting the hang of it
Feb 28, 2017
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I have the same setup with my driveway. Except that the 'alert' zone is entirely in my driveway - If I alerted on walkers... that would drive me crazy! I realize that your driveway is short, but if someone does pull in, they will most likely pull in past the side walk. Wow, what a short driveway you have!

If there's a way to do this on 1 camera, I haven't figured it out. But then, I haven't spend the time.
This is the method I use that I find less complicated.

1. Add a copy of the original Driveway camera. Do this by adding a new camera - you can copy the driveway cam. Just give it a new name, like 'Driveway Alert'.
The new copied camera will NOT connect and stream to the IP camera. It will use the same stream as the original BI camera stream.
2. In the new 'Driveway Alert' camera, Specify a 'Zone A' of only the area you want to be alerted for & do the alerting on this camera.
3. You can specify to record only on trigger, or, trigger only with no record.
4. Remove the zones and alerting on the original camera.
I keep the entire driveway on my full camera so that I have a 24/7 record of all activity (or lack of). Then, my 'Driveway Alert' cam records only alerts, notifies me, and send me video.