connect to external storage with a thunderbolt port be acceptable for short or even medium term usage?
I will have 6 to 8 cameras connected with full time monitoring with hopefully higher quality clips for triggers.
Have used both
thunderbolt and USB external hard drive enclosures to record more than the eight cameras you mention.
Only problem thunderbolt enclosure was front cover use to rattle, no issues recording video.
There has been thou, a vocal minority that keeps saying USB external drives cannot keep up long-term of non-buffering video.
For years I have used an USB 3.1 Gen2 external case with 5 IronWolf NAS 12TB drives.
Recording 16 cameras, no sub streams 24/7 to this RAID without problems.
We all like seeing data, I have no fancy graphics or disk testing programs, but I do have a stopwatch and I can drag to copy.
So I tried a couple real-world tests.
First test
I transferred a 7.61 Gig file from this Raid to a SSD, transfer time was 19 seconds,
while still recording all 16 cameras.
Second test
Selected two folders 24 files each, totaling 48 files, with a combined 367.14 GB.
Stopped Recording all 16 cameras to RAID.
Dragged the two folders totaling 367.14 GB to a SSD.
Total time to completely copy all 367.14 GB was 17 minutes 12 seconds
So why are people having such different experiences?
I don't know!
Thoughts/guesses below are not answers - just things that might be possible.
Feel free to rule them out or add to the list.
1) USB 3.1 Gen2 controller chips inside different computers can have different performance, just like different model 4K cameras can have different night performance.
2) USB host port may have hub inside computer so several USB connection ports on back of computer will share one host port.
3) Thunderbolt has its own processor, USB uses the computers main processor so USB can be affected by CPU load.
4) Not all computer cables are created equal.
Some say just won't work, but I suspect they simply haven't yet found out their true performance bottleneck.