Newby Setting up Dahu Pan Tilt Zoom PTZ6C4G-45X Camera - on cell connection, without NVR


Nov 17, 2024
Will be installing our new PTZ6C4G-45X out on a pole at our island cabin using just a POE switch connected to a new Vantiva Cobra Xtream 5G cell connected Router/Gateway that is replacing our old 3G cell internet. We are off-grid on solar in the cloudy PNW and the only internet is data metered cell. Winter power loads for always on things like an NVR are pretty much no go's (any extra "always on" 10W loads here or there are a sizeable fraction of our power budget!). I've thought about getting an ultra low power PC like a mini NUC and using it as an NVR server but hopefully that's not required (yet).

We don't want to stream live video continuously over the connection and our present use case is just using some old Wyze cameras to monitor weather conditions and the like on an occasional basis, but I have installed a 256Gbyte SD card in the new PTZ6C4G-45X and would like to set it up to store events like person detection and get notifications on my phone app.

To test the new PTZ6C4G-45X camera and have the new camera setup and working on the local ethernet LAN here at our home where we have unmetered internet (ie not at the cabin). The camera is working and has P2P enabled. It connects to my laptop via SmartPSSlite / Web GUI and via the DMSS phone app . It seems to be sending video continuously while powered up.

My question is: Once I have the camera up and running on the data metered cell connection, what should I change in the setup to keep if from using up all of our cell data? I'm not sure if I need to set something to keep it from sending video continuously or is it only sending when connected to DMSS/SmartPSSLite?.

I'd imagine that the camera could be setup via the GUI to store video clips, only on detection, notify my app and only send video clips or live video via the 5G connection when I log onto the camera. From reading the manual it seems that I'll want to select a substream to lower the data rate.

How can I set it up so it sends a notification upon detection of an event and only sends video when logged onto directly for live view or for playback?

Thanks, trying to understand the documentation, functionality and all the new Acronyms, bit by bit ...... kinda a steep learning curve