NFS/Samba HDD 9 Error


Dec 10, 2021
I bought IPC-C082-G2 (V5.7.1 build 211108) and want to connect it to my home Ubuntu server.
I created new partition and share it via NFS.

$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/disk/by-uuid/20fb2db8-74a9-41f4-ada9-7e3096ea3a95    /cctv        ext4 defaults 0 0

$ cat /etc/exports
/cctv     ,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

$ ls -la / | grep cctv
drwxrwxrwx   8 nobody  nogroup       4096 Dec 10 11:49 cctv

$ df -h | grep cctv
/dev/sdb1       492G  199M  466G   1% /cctv

I connect it in my camera, successfully format but after some short time (about 10 sec) recieve e-mail notification

This is an automatically generated e-mail from your IPC.

EVENT TIME: 2021-12-10,11:22:38

Manufacturer reccomend to use NFS for network shares, but I readed about a lot of problems with NFS on Hikvision. So, I tried samba with the same result. Only that the message appears later (about 1 minute).

$ cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
   client min protocol = NT1
   server min protocol = NT1

comment = cctv
read only = no
writeable = yes
path = /raid/cctv
guest ok = no
browseable = yes
force user = seventh
create mask = 0660
force create mode = 0660
force directory mode = 0770

And in samba-mode I see additional info about storage.
What this error mean?


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I tired to wait format process after each configuration change, so I created new partition for 50 Gb and share it via NFS. And camera start to put records in it!
So I tried to step by step increase partition size.
Up to 300 Gb - perfect work.
400 Gb -format error, but still continuos, successefully initializing and after it Normal status and work good. Too long initialization after camera reboot, but work.
500 Gb - formating with problem, after status Normal, e-mail HDD 9 Error.
So, looks like camera have problems with big size partitions. Or the problem with read/write speed?
I have not problems with network, but there was an old HDD. So I created 550 Gb partiton on RAID 1 on two new HDD's. Slow initialisation, but it work! I haven't more space on my RAID for test. I tried to share directory via NFS on my main RAID 3 Tb partition. It shows volume 3 Tb, about 1.7 Tb free space. Very long format, but very fast another (!) EVENT TYPE: HDD 10 Error on e-mail.
So, my only way to use 400 Gb specially partition only for this one camera :mad:
I hope it will be enough for me.
At least it work.
Thanks for posting your findings. :)
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My final setup for information.
I have Proxmox with VM Ubuntu Server 20.04.3 LTS on it. LVM and RAID mdadm is on Proxmox.
Server and camera connected to one Mikrotik hAP AC.

$ cat /etc/fstab 
/dev/disk/by-uuid/07e99037-f5e3-447f-8d6b-435bf5e379fb    /cctv        ext4 defaults 0 0

$ cat /etc/exports 
/cctv     ,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

$ df -h | grep cctv
/dev/sdb1       393G  1.1G  372G   1% /cctv
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Т.е. никаких квот и в помине нет потому что сделал на отдельном диске?
Да. С квотами у меня ни разу ничего не получилось.
Видимо рецепт был в том, чтобы это был отдельный девайс, а не папка, как хотелось бы. ;)
На msk тоже писалось вроде бы или про ограничения размера, или некую кратность, не помню, надо искать, но в случаях с роутерамии usb флешами, там не разгонишься сильно.
Винду ты не пробовал, т.к. у тебя задачи такой нет.