No app access over WAN?


Young grasshopper
Jan 5, 2016
Using the android app I can no longer log in over WAN. I changed nothing other than possibly windows updates.

I can login with the app over LAN, as well as log in to the server via WAN or LAN from a browser with the same credentials, and on the same device the app is installed on!

Furthermore, the app still works to access another server at a different location via WAN running the same version of blueiris.

Is there some specific port or protocol that the app uses to access the server over WAN (but not over LAN) that the browser does not?

Or any thing else yous guys can think of?

Yes they were the same.

I think I figured it out. Somehow the thing got switched to https for the WAN login. I don't remember doing that. Perhaps when the app updated?