No SMD Alerts on HDBW5442E-ZE or HDBW5241W-ZE


Feb 10, 2022

I have multiple cameras around here, all connected by Dahua NVR5216-8P-4KS2e. For some reason, and I do suspect configuration trouble, I cannot get the SMD working at all. If I setup IVS I get alerts correctly, and they are also correctly identified (human, vehicle). First I suspected something in the NVR as I was not getting alert from it, but further logging directly into the cameras I cannot get any SMD alerts on the cameras either?

I have setup motion detection and smart motion to the highest possible sensitivity and very low threshold but still nothing. I tried re-setting the regions (there was a tip somewhere that this might fix SMD) but nothing. Walking across the yard correctly trips the IVS and I do get normal motion detected alerts, but smart motion events are missing entirely.

Firmware on the cameras is DH_IPC-HX5XXX-Volt_MultiLang_PN_Stream3_V2.840.0000000.11.R.211105
and 4.001.0000006.1 on the NVR.
