NVMS7000 NVR Password reset + New router (Port forwarding no longer works)


Jun 21, 2020
San Francisco, CA

If anyone has any ideas to help me with my issue, that would be great as I've been scratching my head for a few days.

I updated to a new router and port forwarded using the IP and Mac address of the NVR connected to my router, which seems to be the case with my old router since the NVR was the only device connected to the router. I followed the NVMS7000 manual and added in the IP along with the ports 80, 8000, and 8554. This new router is a bit more complicated, but I'm not sure what other steps to do - I contacted the router and they guided me through some DMZ and WAN stuff, but still no dice.

My NVMS7000 is still able to see the cameras when on the wifi but there's a connection failed when on data. I googled a bit and some people are saying it might be the gateway ip in my NVR, but I need to reset the password and I tried using the reset password tool on this forum with the NVRs serial number and I inputed in the code to the NVR and it said it doesn't work - I assumed this code was actually supposed to be entered in elsewhere?

Can someone please provide some guidance on what to do?