Oh, Camera!


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
They thought about coming up the driveway but then the woman saw a camera, pointed at it and then they all retreated.

This happens from time to time but a while back a woman passed by two cameras before noticing a third. After seeing it she looked like a deer in the headlights.

PH2 2022-08-29 PM.jpg


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
Maybe she had that look because she had 'God only knows' in that bucket....I sure don't want to know! :rolleyes:
She was carrying a bucket of freshly picked blackberries. Some of which were picked from my driveway. She was picking along the trail and at the end of my driveway when she spotted the blackberry bushes that encircle my entire property. She wandered up my driveway as she picked until she finally noticed a camera.


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
Those people do not look like the "usual suspects" that you have had come by. Looks like a nice family stroll.
Right. The vast majority of people that walk past the end of my driveway are just out for some sun, fun and exercise. The trail that passes by my driveway is part of a trail system that is over 130 miles long which stretches across the northern part of the Olympic Peninsula. It is called the Olympic Discovery Trail and it is used by both locals and tourists. I see a lot of traffic but I usually don't post unless I see a freak or something of interest. This one caught my eye because they obviously spotted the camera before retreating.


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
Yeah, the look confused as to what is the trail and what is the driveway.
I can't say for sure what was going through their heads but it's not easy to confuse my driveway with the trail. Especially since there was a trail sign just to their left shoulders. It is more likely that they saw a nice place to walk and explore, and they were trying to figure out if people were at the other end and if they would get caught. Once they saw the camera and knew that they were being surveilled they left immediately.

I don't blame people for wanting to wander up the driveway because it's a nice space. Sometimes people wonder up a short distance and spend time looking up at the trees. There is a woman in her 80s that sometimes walks up the driveway gazing up at the trees. She will stand there looking up for a while before wandering off.


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
This brought to mind some incidents in Canada a few years ago. Can't find any articles now but there were a lot of tourists coming to certain sightseeing areas as the leaves changed colour on the trees in the fall. Unfortunately, the locals had a lot of complaints about a certain demographic trespassing on private property and even using people's canoes and wondering out onto their docks.

With this in mind, that's exactly what this this video looks like. But they spotted the camera before venturing any further.


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
This brought to mind some incidents in Canada a few years ago. Can't find any articles now but there were a lot of tourists coming to certain sightseeing areas as the leaves changed colour on the trees in the fall. Unfortunately, the locals had a lot of complaints about a certain demographic trespassing on private property and even using people's canoes and wondering out onto their docks.

With this in mind, that's exactly what this this video looks like. But they spotted the camera before venturing any further.
There have been problems with trespassing on the ODT as well so signs have been put up telling people to respect private property. Many years ago when the trail was being built there were a lot of disputes with property owners. They were opposed to the trail bringing the general public so close to the fronts and backs of their houses. People started building privacy fences and in some cases the trails people paid for them. Some homeowners have embraced the trail by decorating their areas so walkers and bikers have something to look at, and some have put out bowls of water for passing dogs.

Some property owners have been real a-holes and I had a problem with one of them. For a few years I periodically walked to work which is about 7.5 miles one way, and in the winter I was often walking in the dark. One evening on my way home from work while passing by a house up on a hill someone came out, shined a flashlight on me and shouted that the trail was closed. This was BS because the trail doesn't close at night. I yelled back telling them to mind their own F-ing business. After that someone would shine a light on me every time I walked by. So I got an even brighter light and shined it on them every time they came out of their house to harass me. That stopped them from shining their light. It was obvious that these people were antisocial based on all the no trespassing signs and signs threatening to shoot people.

My street camera is set back so it is not obvious to people unless they look up my driveway. But some home owners, especially in Port Angeles, put cameras out in the open for people to see, and some have signs that are meant to intimidate. When a person sees a camera they can assume that they are being watched and/or recorded. Large signs explaining this are not necessary.

I took a picture of the trail from the end of my driveway as I came home today. Mistaking my driveway for the trail would be difficult to do. Especially since the green sign and arrow point the way.



IPCT Contributor
May 12, 2016
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The problem with signs is that folks don't see most signs, or if they do, they don't necessarily grasp what they read, or they simply don't give a flying fork.
At least in my state ignoring no trespassing signs increases the penalty for trespassing.
I'm currently sitting on a video of the reason for many of my cameras, trespassing, complaining about my no trespassing signs and discussing whether or not to vandalize one of my cameras.
I have a calendar event set for 90 days before the statue of limitations expires and if the resolution I actually want hasn't taken place by then, he may get a shiny new mug shot.


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
Perhaps a somewhat tasteful no trespassing sign is in order or an autotracking PTZ :lol: :
If I was going to install a sign that is the kind of sign that I would use. Most people that wonder up my driveway turn around when they see the cameras. The ones that don't turn around probably would not turn around because of a sign either. I don't mind people just coming up the driveway but it's more concerning when they enter the yard. If I'm home I can go out and confront them, and if I'm gone I can set off a siren with my phone to run them off. I have considered putting a siren at the end of the driveway that I could set off if I see somebody pissing :)

People wander up the driveway fairly often. Just yesterday I had a walker and a truck come by. I haven't checked my videos yet today to see what happened. I may have had more visitors but I know they didn't come too close because I didn't get a notification on my phone.

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Getting comfortable
Jul 21, 2020
Reaction score
If I was going to install a sign that is the kind of sign that I would use. Most people that wonder up my driveway turn around when they see the cameras. The ones that don't turn around probably would not turn around because of a sign either. I don't mind people just coming up the driveway but it's more concerning when they enter the yard. If I'm home I can go out and confront them, and if I'm gone I can set off a siren with my phone to run them off. I have considered putting a siren at the end of the driveway that I could set off if I see somebody pissing :)

People wander up the driveway fairly often. Just yesterday I had a walker and a truck come by. I haven't checked my videos yet today to see what happened. I may have had more visitors but I know they didn't come too close because I didn't get a notification on my phone.

Have you consider putting a check point gate near that tree? :D


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
I confronted a drunk who was openly urinating at 1pm in front of my house. Scared him so bad he pissed all over himself and had to go home and change. Hasn't been on my side of the street since.

I'd highly suggest an anti-pissing siren. You can post the videos of them soiling themselves. Lol