On Alert: Different Web Request Based On Different Triggers


Pulling my weight
Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
I have 3 different zones
  • Zone A covers the entire image
  • Zone B covers a part of the stairs in the picture
  • Zone C covers the other parts of the stairs
I now want to trigger different events in my home automation system (HomeSeer), i.e.
  • Event 1: Motion in A
  • Event 2: Motion B > C
  • Event 3: Motion C > B
To do that, in "On alert...", I would like to set up one action for each of the above 3 events. However, it's not clear how I can execute an action based on which of the 3 events have happened. Note that the web request looks like this:


Alternatively, instead of executing different events, I could set a virtual device to value 1, 2, or 3, depending which type of motion happened. It makes the HS part a bit more complicated but it's completely workable. In this case the web request would look like this:

[HS_User]:[HS_User_pwd]@[HS_IP]:[port]/JSON?request=controldevicebyvalue&ref=[Virtual_Device_ID]&value=[1, 2, 3]

But how can I construct that above URL, i.e. how can I make BI insert the value 1, 2, or 3 depending on what motion happened? Note, I believe HomeSeer cannot handle the values sent over in "Post/payload".