Powering the Hikvision DS-KB8112-IM


Jul 17, 2020
South Africa
Been watching the thread for a while as a guest, first time poster.

I'm considering getting the Hikvision DS-KB8112-IM, still deciding on which indoor screen though.
My NVR is the HikvisionDS-7616NI-K2-16P.

What I was wondering is:
  1. Will I be able to power the DS-KB8112-IM directly from my NVR, since they are both POE? I'm a bit uncertain of different POE types, voltages and classifications
  2. Will I be able to add the DS-KB8112-IM to my NVR as if it was a normal IP camera in order to continuously record?
  3. This would be used by my front driveway gate, my assumption is that it shouldn't be too complicated to have this setup to open/close my gate?
  4. Is there any way I could have a reed switch attached to this unit as well to indicate whether my gate is open or close?
Thanks for those who are in the know that can help with some tips.