pretty neat: Compology - Dumpster camera

May 1, 2019
Reaction score
Reno, NV
At work...we were hired to install 4 Compology R14 cameras. Just wanted to toss this out to folks who run HOA or construction business's that use those big dumpsters (4 cubic yards or 20 or 30, etc).
These cameras take a snapshot 3x's a day and uses AI to determine 2 things: if 25%/50%/75% full and if someone tossed in regular trash in recycled trash (trash liner bag vs flat cardboard boxes, I think). I believe $10-$15 per month per camera. This could be handy because someone would get notification if full so person could call for trash haul when needed, instead of just a regular schedule (whether dumpster was full or not). And determines if someone put wrong trash in wrong dumpter as Waste Management will soon start fining establishments that this happens to when it comes to recycled contaminated dumpters.
They have either 3g/4g/5g cellular connectivity and their own app. Battery is said to last 5 years.
I do not work for Compology, but have installed a couple cameras. Could see this as a cost saving measure for those that deal with big dumpsters.
Will not post any pix or link. But if interested, can use Google search.