Problems with BI, noob needs help please


May 14, 2015
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Just built a deticated pc to run BI. I have some problems I have spent hours searching with not end results. I only have a few days left of demo mode before I have to buy and would like to make sure I can get some things fixed. I sent an email to BI but I saw they had website problems last night and they said it was along night so I figured he may be awhile before he gets back to me. Thought I would post a copy of the email here and see if any of the experts on here may help. Thanks alot BTW my cpu has never ran over 15% at the bottom of the desktop.


I have had 14 wanscam wireless ip cams non HD for over 2 years now and everything has been working very well with charter 30mg internet service. I have always used ip cam viewer on my droid phone to remotely pull up my cams and on certain cams send me pics of motion. I choose to build a dedicated pc for BI to be able to record. With the AMD 6 core processor and 8 gigs of ram running windows 8.1, it will handle BI good.

I downloaded the lastest BI and running it in Demo mode before I buy to make sure I can get everything to work. Several problems I am having I have googled and researched and researched will no end result. Below I will list the problems I am having and hopefully you can help so I can get the lisense purchased.

1- First problem I saw of course was some of the cams dropping out and I know that is due to being wireless. I never have the cams drop out when I am viewing on ip cam viewer but for some reason they do in BI.

2- When looking at live view or recorded clips it is very choppy. Like then a front cam picks up a car going buy you get one frame of the car and then its gone so you cant really tell what it was. I have messed with the fps but no matter what I do it is the same. When I view on my phone it is in ip cam viewer it is smooth like real time video. Any clue why?

3- Next if I have BI running and I pull up my cams on ip cam viewer on my phone it takes for ever for all the cams to pull up. once they pull up they look like real time video but just takes forever. If I turn off BI my cams pull up instantly on ip cam viewer. Any idea what would cause that being ip cam viewer has nothing to do with BI?

4- Last of all, I can not log on to BI outside my LAN. I have it in my router correctly port forwarded and I also used your new feature to let the webserver do the port forwarding and still no go. I have the linksys ea6900 router and its pretty staight forward. I have read through you help section many times and followed everything to a t. I have also spent many many hours googling the issue and reading hundreds and hundreds of posts on forums with the pretty much same problem with not being able to get on remote but no one ever posts back what the end result of the problem was. The only one I did find is one that contacted you and it ended up being his router only forwarded outbound and not inbound ports. Once he fixed that he got it to work but my router has both forwarded. I have did all the little tricks and tips I read on the cam forums people posted but none that fixed the issue. I used the site that checks the port and it says it is open and is good..
If on wireless and use the internal ip and port I can get on with no problem but when on my public ip and port it will not pull up at all it just times out. The strange thing is if I use the public ip and port on the computer that is hooked to the router it will pull up but if I use the computer at work the laptop or my phone it will not. I only have a few more days of the demo mode before I have to buy and I would like to get the remote working to make sure it will be ok. Any help would be wonderful, I sure you have had this before being all the forums I read but hours and hours still nothing. Thank you so much and god bless.

Kerry West


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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First things first, make sure your Blue Iris machine is wired to the network, not connected wireless. Some people make this mistake and it creates a lot of problems.

Okay, so,

1. This can happen even with wired cams for very short periods of time, infrequently. Longer and more frequent dropouts should be expected with wireless.

2. If the cams are all non HD, that means they are probably not using h264 compression and you probably can't set the frame rate in the camera's web interface. If that is the case, they are streaming JPEG or MJPEG which will self-throttle to a very low frame rate when the network is congested. This is exactly what I would expect when you have 14 wireless cams on one network. What is your frame rate setting in Blue Iris for these cameras? Have you tried increasing it?

3. I suspect IP cam viewer is pulling lower resolution and/or lower quality video, as that would explain why it performs better than Blue Iris. When you have Blue Iris running, it is pulling video from all the cameras at once which uses a lot of bandwidth and it leaves very little left over for IP cam viewer.

4. Please show screenshots of:
a. Your router's port forwarding configuration.
b. Your Blue Iris options > Web server tab.
c. The canyouseeme site showing that your port is open.
d. A web browser attempting to connect from outside your home where it does not work.

I will look them over and see if I notice something wrong.

Feel free to paint over the public IP address if it appears in any of your screenshots, so you don't attract prying eyes, but do not paint over any private IP addresses (192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x are the most common private address ranges). Also, best to leave port numbers visible.


May 14, 2015
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I will do that tonight, thanks for the help. Yes the computer I just built for BI is wired to the router.


May 14, 2015
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Just an update, last night I was fooling around again with setting and all and turned avast off and it started working as far as remotely goes. I turned it back on and excluded BI in avast and this morning it wasnt working again. Errrr... So tonight I will uninstall avast and uninstall BI after I save my set up and install the new update BI that came out yesterday without asast and see what happens. Then I will get some screen shots and see if we can figure out my other problems. Thanks again for helping.


May 14, 2015
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Update, I ended up having to change some things in avast and zone alarm to get it working flawless. Now I can get on anywhere at any time. yah.....

Still trying to figure out why the recorded clips are so choppy and freezing up for 4-5 secs then at times skips frames all the time. If I watch it on ip cam viewer the it plays like live video but blue iris is choppy? Any clues? Thanks.