PTZ question


Young grasshopper
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Hendertucky, NV
Do these cameras auto-pan or can they be programmed to follow a set routine? What is the main benefit/use for these type of cameras? How do/would you use yours?


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
Reaction score
SE Michigan USA
Do these cameras auto-pan

Some do

or can they be programmed to follow a set routine?

Some do

What is the main benefit/use for these type of cameras? How do/would you use yours?

Main use is if you're around your computer when it matters or if you want to have the camera pointed in a different area at different times during the day/night.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
Reaction score
Denver, CO
auto panning is constant motion and will add wear and tear..

I use one PTZ for watching a car parked on the street, because its on the street its parking spot can vary each time it moves, so changing it's view as needed is really good to keep a nice tight frame on it.

I have an automation system with a ton of physical security sensors, any of my PTZ's will look at any activity out of frame automatically.. so I have a bunch of cameras in one, when a window/door/motion sensor goes off they get a nice zoomed in shot of whatever set it off, and I also have different idle activity durring day/night.. for example in the daytime my PTZ looking at the street parking zooms out and gets a wider view of the road/sidewalks, at night it zooms in so it can get the most pixels it can of anyone messing with the vehicle.

I have 4 outdoor perimeter cameras, 2 are PTZ's.. with the combination of other outdoor sensors that are much more discrete than cameras I have absolutely no blind spots and it would have taken at least twice as many cameras to accomplish the same thing.. I am about to add a 5th for LPR but dedicating a camera to that is pretty much mandatory for good results.

I have a dedicated display and I am up late at night frequently, so I am often doing guard duty and its nice keeping track of suspicious behavior from the comfort and safety of my office.

Without someone watching it or some external sensors hooked up to it, they are just very expensive fixed cameras you can play with the view from time to time.
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