Quick question about old DS-2CD2112F-1 cameras. Finding the IP


Young grasshopper
Sep 10, 2017
I havent used these in years and Im hooking them up in another location different from where they were before. After plugging them in to the old TP-Link switch I cant find the IP address on my local network, it doesn't even show up. I can verify the cameras are powered on and I can see other devices plugged in to the TP Link switch. I've been looking in to why this is happening and I remember using the Hikvision software iVMS-4200 to get them setup originally.

I have 2 questions:

1 - Am I overlooking something very basic? I did factory reset the cameras already
2 - are these old cameras worth trying to use again? I just need some cameras on my other house and these would be fine if they worked.

1 - Am I overlooking something very basic? I did factory reset the cameras already

The default IP address the cameras are set to (since you did the factory reset) is probably not the same subnet you are on now... Try downloading and using the Hikvision SADP utility to activate (set username/password) and set the IP address for each camera...


2 - are these old cameras worth trying to use again?

I think you answered your own question... "I just need some cameras on my other house and these would be fine if they worked."

EDIT: I wouldn't be comfortable using these older devices on a network connected to the Internet as the firmware is quite old and could have security vulnerabilities. (I'm really not sure about this, others might have better advice)
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