Ran my wires today and glad that's over!


BIT Beta Team
Jun 8, 2015
I spent the better part of all day today running two wires from my PoE router location to their places. Attic was brutal hot and actually didn't think I was going to be able to make it through to the finish on that run. The other wire involved the crawl space and then fishing up an external wall. Couldn't have done it without the fiberglass fish rods! I'm too old for this lol but got the job done. I'll be ordering my two Hikvision 2332s and then I'll be ready to finish everything up once they arrive.

This community is a GREAT resource and I look forward to getting more advice as I get my system installed and hope to someday be able to help a newbie like myself. I appreciate everyone's advice and suggestions so far!
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I don't admire you in the least.. We too just pulled 32 Cat5e runs in the attic and walls... between the spiders, fiberglass itchies, I so feel your pain... but rest assured it's done now.
I can't imagine 32 runs! Two was enough for me lol. Especially in the attic, very low rafters, 2 feet of blown-in insulation, had to feel for ceiling joists the whole way and then finally squeezing into the eave to drill the hole for the cable. Talk about panic attack city and claustrophobia! I almost turned around and decided to hire someone else to do it but I made it.
I dont pull cable in the summer if I can help it... the work is bad enough without crawling into an oven.

this is where planing far enough ahead can be a good practice, when you go to pull down the xmas decorations in a few months start thinking about if your going to install any new cameras, access points, or other wired devices in the next year or two and go ahead and pull the cable now that you have it... even if it sits unused for a few months/years, you'll be glad when you go to hook it up in June and dont have to get in there.

I installed all new lighting this last winter, could not spend that much time in the attic any other time.. but I also ran a few more ethernet cables to my wife's office and I am glad I did, because she decided she needed another computer and network printer in the last month.
I just ran a couple of locations this weekend as well. I sure wish I could go back to when we were rehabbing the house and tell my past self to run more wire. I hadn't considered security cameras at that point and am now struggling to get cable to my camera locations in a manner that has a high WAF. I did at least have the sense to put 3" conduit up in the attic which has made all the difference in running wire after the fact. The attic is very small and I can only access it by sticking my head up through the HVAC diffuser hole in the ceiling. I enjoy the DIY aspect of this stuff, but it'd be nice to have a pro looking over my shoulder to give suggestions along the way. And to get rid of all the spiders. I really don't like the spiders.