I own several acres a few miles away from my house with absolutely zero utilities on site. In the past (pre-Covid), I briefly used 3G trail cams to attempt to keep an eye on it. The people in the neighborhood seem to have a disregard for private property. Those 3G trail cams have gone the way of the dodo. I'm accustomed to Dahua cams and BlueIris at home, and would consider setting up something more substantial than trail cams at the property to keep an eye on things. It would have to use cellular service (US, likely Verizon), and I would have to rig up a solar powered battery system for power. I don't mind rolling up my sleeves if necessary (quite capable in that category). Would anybody have a recommendation for a camera, or suite of cameras, that would work in this situation? I have 3 Dahuas at home, as well as 1 old Hikvision, and really like the Dahuas.