Recommended replacement for FI9805 cameras?


Feb 11, 2015
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I have installed two FI9805 cameras in a remote off-grid location 150 miles away from here. The npIPCReg.DLL crashes incessantly on Chrome, FireFox, and MSIE on my laptop, on my tablet, and on my big desktop computer, with connections over Ethernet, over WiFi, over cellular. I was barely able to get the cameras configured and running, and now I have lost control over them. I can pull up their video (usually) with BlueIris and with IPCam on my Windows Phone, but nothing I do will bring up the configuration pages on any browser. Before installing the cameras, I upgraded their firmware to the latest that was available around the first of January 2015.

Now one of them that was set to send emailed snapshots on motion detection has got a spiderweb in front of the lens, with the result that the camera is transmitting 3 snapshots (where is this documented?) 3-6 times a minute, and it's burning through my entire bandwidth for the month in a matter of a few days. And there is no way to stop it because the frigging DLL crashes every browser I run it on.

No, I am not going to put my business computers into safe mode and shut down services on them. No I am not going to dedicate one computer to doing nothing but FOSCAM cameras. These computers are running Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and even Windows 10 and the DLL crashes incessantly.

Would someone either teach the Chinese how to write a DLL or give me advice on a reliable outdoor, night, WiFi camera? This is ridiculous.