Remote camera - can't add to LeChange app

Feb 26, 2020

I had the camera and LeChange apps (on iPhone and iMac) working fine until I moved it to a remote site. I use port #1025 for http, so opened this port and forwarded to the camera static IP. I can access the camera using a browser. I then did the same for port #37777 and can see the camera using SmartPSS.

The problem is I cannot get the LeChange app to see the camera. On MacOS there is 2 choices - LAN Add and Add Device SN. LAN Add does not work because the camera is remote. SN works but does not connect to the camera.

On iPhone, the only way to add the camera is via WiFI or Wired, neither work.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Camera model: DH-SD1A404XB-GNR-W