Remotely re-boot your PC when it's unresponsive?


Young grasshopper
Apr 10, 2015
The other day my BI PC became unresponsive causing BI not to record. Windows was completely unresponsive even BI web UI would not work. The only way to fix it was pull the plug.

Is there a way to do this remotely? My idea was just to use a smart switch that i can turn on/off with my home assistant. That is also assuming the network is still up.
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I did that with a Wifi smart switch with an App, for the Nightowl DVR that would quit on mobile app connections.
The NVR's are less fussy about reboots, I haven't need it with BI....since I swapped PC's to the 8th Gen elite desk, hasn't gone unresponsive since I installed it at the Condo a couple years ago.
maybe you have an intel graphics driver version conflict?
or turn off hardware acceleration for Intel and monitor.
My BI home system has rebooted after power losses and the mobile showed it down....when i got home from work, the PC was sitting at the Admin Login screen.
Somebody posted a work around for that somewhere inhere as I recall.
But i have an NVR that reboots faithfully after power loss, so i have short term " backup" in a sense.
I had the totally unresponsive issue with BI on an 8th gen elite desk. It went dead every few days. Solution was to uninstall the Intel display driver and run with the win 10 generic driver.
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I don't think it was the PC, it was just a random event. I usually reboot ever week or so but this time the PC had been on for a month.
Ever solve this issue?
I don’t think so. It’s been since June…Haven’t messed with it
I had the totally unresponsive issue with BI on an 8th gen elite desk. It went dead every few days. Solution was to uninstall the Intel display driver and run with the win 10 generic driver.
Oh shoot that's right, when I first got it, i came into work the next day and it was freaking out.....Wittaj and Fenderman helped point me to the Intel site for a driver from March 20XX cant remember...but that took care of it.
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